Author: cordelia82

Tick tock tick tock. My latest scan from Tuesday 27th Feb has shown aggressive tumour progression again. It is now in my interior right front temporal lobe which means I may start to haveweakness on my left side leading to movement loss and more vision impairment. It also means they have given me just 2 […]

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This scan is different. The first one since I stopped the super-strength Lomustine chemo and went back to the original, lower toxicity TMZ. It was a risk that I had no real choice in because my body couldn’t tolerate Lomustine so it was this or nothing and tomorrow I will find out if it’s been […]

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As the new year begins I thought I should give a long-overdue update. It’s taken so long because for the last few months of 2023 my quality of life has been so impacted by either my cancer or side-effects of treatment that I’ve barely been functioning. To say I’ve been struggling is an understatement. I’ve […]

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  For weeks I’ve been holding onto a photo of of the operative MRI my neurosurgeon had shown me after the surgery. Desperate to share it given how dramatic it was but it looked too good to be true and despite the evidence I just wanted confirmation before opening it to the world. My next […]

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I’ve let this week play out without any expectations apart from giving myself permission and space to feel anything and everything. What happened was an honouring to all parts. The first day honouring the fight and exhaustion of 5 long years. Another day I woke up needing to grieve for but after an intense emotional […]

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It’s not quite here yet, one week to go, but after years of envisaging, daring to dream of this momentous date, it actually feels like it’s suddenly creeped up and it’s far heavier than the pure celebrations I imagined it would be. 5 years ago. How everything can change in a split second. EVERYTHING. One […]

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Fear. Of dying. Of losing more functions Of not knowing how long I’ll be unable to do anything myself. Is everything set up in case someone else needs to do it for me? My will, passwords, authorisations, funeral wishes, letters, videos, dear Lolita… Ensuring there’s time to make a few last memories, have some joy […]

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On the face of it yesterday (Thursday 17th Aug) should have been upsetting. I was told after a further review that unlike previously thought, my tumour has mildly progressed since my last scan 6 weeks ago. It’s obviously not what I was hoping to hear but given the increase in my symptoms I wasn’t surprised […]

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