All day I have had that niggle in my mind that I have forgotten to check something. Maybe for you it has been the inability to focus, perhaps feeling like you need to take really deep breaths (all the time), or constantly check your phone for the update of all updates.
Cords is up and buttercup is pretty much all out!
Post-surgery update part 1
- Cordelia knows her name
- She can move her limbs
- She is complaining of a headache (no shit Sherlock)
And breathe. WHOOP! Shake that shaker!
Post surgery update part 2
- Surgery lasted almost 10 hours
- The team removed nearly all of buttercup (90% ++)
- Cords is heavily sedated and on the good stuff. She is asking for Bernard…. (my granddad is called Bernard but I am not sure that is who she is looking for)
The night before surgery Cordelia came around to mine to show me how to post an update and she asked if I needed anything from the shops to which I said a £1 surprise please. Then I found out she was in Waitrose, so I upped it to a fiver. Annoyingly, the first thing she pulled out from the bag was a gluten-free dog treat for Luna the whippet (that was at least a third of MY surprise budget gone) but then that is Cords- thinking about everyone, even the skinny 4 legged ones.
When she asked me to take over the airwaves whilst recovering from surgery, I was at first very touched but reminded her that my English was shit. To which she replied
“It would be good to have someone, you know with medical knowledge- you’re a vet!”
I love that she thinks that sorting donkeys hooves out in Senegal equates to me knowing anything about brain surgery. But hey, I suppose last time she was in hospital I made sure her drips were changed AND her nickname Coco has glossy labradoodle written all over it.
On the lines of medicalness I was half expecting to get an update from her in the form of a photo that would have to come with a warning sign- the inside of her head. Yep, you have guessed it Cords has asked her surgeon to take a photo of her tumour in situ. I’ll leave that for her to post!
So, what can we expect in the next 24 hours?
- She will remain in ICU tonight (intensive care unit) and hopefully onto the wards tomorrow
- A more detailed surgical update and post-op plan by the end of the week
Just in case anyone was wondering she wasn’t allowed to wear her gifted nipple tassels into surgery in case they fudged up the MRI scanners. Which made Danny and I laugh, and on top of this we cannot figure out why the top piece of advice given to her for having brain surgery was to get a Brazilian…
Anyway, now that niggle in our minds has gone and so has hers, the only way as you all know is up!
With love
Ebony and Danny (from a dirty burger joint near the hospital)
Positive news!!! Amazing!!! Xxx
Amazing news thanks for the brilliant update x x
Really greeeeeat news and brill update. I am waiting with bated breath for the picture of the inside of her head!
Great news that it’s over. Cordelia – I came across your Instagram list via Clemmie and we have a strange host of other mutual friends (for another time). I heard from your dad and I’ve been thinking of you all day. Anytime you want to borrow my charger, I’m your girl. Sending so much love. Your blog is really bloody good and you are a very brave girl xxxx
What a PIC
Only u
Nurses look happy??
And me very happy!! For u
The long wait is over. And breath! Great update – thanks Ebony and Danny. Lots of love to all. Xxx
The best news ever!!! So much love from us all XXXXX
So glad it’s out and thanks for a brilliant update ??X
Thanks for a great update! Please pass on all our love. Chris. xxx
SO SO pleased to hear, and what a great update from the team 🙂 Fantastic news all round, sending huge vibes! xxxx
Greta news! Thanks for the update! Positive vibes & love Cords xx
Great news Cords + Fam. Onwards xxxx
The best news..
Whew!! Great news xx
Thanks for the update, that’s fantastic news. Sending positive vibes. xxx